At Johns Motor Sports we believe customer service is # 1.
Our knowledge of the product we service, and the care we have for people makes us an award winning customer service Mercury Marine dealer. We are very proud to have won the coveted Mercury Marine CSI award 5 times, once in 2009, 2011, 2015, 2018, and again in 2021 and we continue to strive to keep that tradition going.
Our technicians are Mercury certified repair specialists, and with on going yearly training by Mercury Marine we are able to supply you and your boat with the best possible care available.
Johns Motor Sports does all we can to get you and your boat back on the water quickly. In most cases we can have your boat / motor repaired in 24 hrs. Our large supply of parts allows us to do quick turn around times on repairs. The parts department is constantly adding and updating the stock of parts for newer models of motors as well as older models.
Much has been invested in the proper tools needed to repair your Mercury product safely and quickly. Such as diagnostic computers, specialty tools, test tanks, lifting equipment, parts and warranty computers.
We may be small in stature, but we are big in customer service.
Pick Up and Delivery
John's Motor Sports is now offering pick-up and delivery services. If you do not have a way to transport your boat, or just don't care to tow your own boat for service repair, storage, or repowering of your boat we are now offering to do that for you.
We are able to accommodate pontoons or run about style boats.
There is a charge for the use of our pontoon trailers if we are picking up and delivering your boat at $75.00.
Fully insured.
The pickup must be with in a 25-mile radius of John's Motor Sports.
The pickup and delivery would only be to John's Motor Sports, no other facilities.
The charge will be $10.00 per mile, with a minimum charge of $125.00 and a maximum charge of $250.00.
Special considerations would be made for added time needed at site of pick-up and delivery.
On Site Repairs
John's Motor is now offering on site repairs for Mercury outbaords and Mercruisers.
Please call for availability and pricing